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Curling in Berlin e.V. / Geschäftsstelle
Bohnsdorfer Weg 37d
12524 Berlin

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Vereinsregister-Nr.: VR 37431 B

Präsident:  Dirk Hannawald
Vizepräsident:  Jörg Manasse
Schatzmeister:  Lars Poltorek


Mitglied im Berliner Eissportverband

Mitglied im Deutschen Curlingverband


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The members of the curling club in Berlin

practice during the winter sports season,

from the beginning of September to the end of March,

every Monday evening at the ice sports hall PO9,

Glockenturmstraße 14, near S-Bahn station Pichelsberg


 Eissporthalle PO9, Glockenturmstraße 14, 14053 Berlin


For further information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Note: Curling ist NOT Eis(stock)schiessen. The English translation is somewhat confusing. Eisstockschiessen -> bavarian curling.

From the festschrift German Curling Association 50 Years

Curling comes to Berlin.

On the initiative of a Canadian woman in Berlin, the curling department of the legendary Berlin ice skating club (BSC) was founded in November 1973. From the very beginning, the Berlin curlers were very active and presented themselves at various tournaments. The organisation of the 1976 European Curling Championships in Berlin brought about an upswing. This made Berlin a curling stronghold at that time. This was also underlined by good results in the final rounds of the German Championship. In 1981 Berlin hosted its first international tournament. The sporting highlight was the 2. Place for a men's team at the German Championship 1982 or third place for a women's team 1983. Despite these successes, the number of members collapsed. In 1985 Bernd Karsten took over the responsibility and was able to save the department from downfall. Despite some respectable successes at the Northern German Championships, the number of members remained manageable. In the following years, curling in Berlin stagnated.

New beginning!

In 2008, our sport in Berlin was once again on the verge of bankruptcy. Again it was Bernd Karsten, who transferred the remaining 10 curlers into the new club Eissport & Schlittschuh Club 2007 Berlin e. V.

With new board members and many ideas, things were looking up again. Only the unsettled question of a permanent venue slowed down development. The move into the new ice rink on Glockenturmstraße in March 2011 was to finally create the necessary conditions for a great development of curling in Berlin. Although the ice is also used by sports such as ice hockey and figure skating, the training conditions for the curlers have improved considerably.

Meanwhile, the curling department of the ESC 2007 Berlin e.V. exists with more than 30 members. Internal competitions and a seasonal club championship take place.

In November 2013, the Berliners were finally able to stage a tournament again. The first topic was the reactivation of the revived Regional Championship East, which is now being played every year.

In January 2015, after decades, the Berliners presented themselves again as hosts of an international event for the first time. The first "Berlin Curling Cup" with 16 teams from 5 countries was a great success. Motivated by this, this tournament is now held annually in January. This means that Berlin also has a firm place in the competition calendar.

From a sporting point of view, the Berlin teams still have some catching up to do. However, the first participation of a Berlin men's team in the final round of the German Championship 2016 after more than 30 years is a hopeful start.