+++ Training unregelmäßig. Nur jede zweite Woche - Bitte den Kalender im internen Bereich beachten! +++

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The members of the curling club in Berlin

practice during the winter sports season,

from the beginning of September to the end of March,

every Monday evening at the ice sports hall PO9,

Glockenturmstraße 14, near S-Bahn station Pichelsberg


 Eissporthalle PO9, Glockenturmstraße 14, 14053 Berlin


For further information please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Note: Curling ist NOT Eis(stock)schiessen. The English translation is somewhat confusing. Eisstockschiessen -> bavarian curling.

From the festschrift German Curling Association 50 Years